Discovering Self-care With Habico

Personalised insights and recommendations to improve your self-care journey.

Hero image

The ultimate self-care companion: Build, analyse, and track healthy habits

UX/UI Design User Research Branding Prototyping


Habico is designed to empower individuals in cultivating and maintaining healthy self-care habits. Users are able to track their progress and gain valuable insights through AI-powered data analysis.


• UX Design
• UI Design
• User research
• Data synthesis
• Branding
• Usability testing
• Iterative design


• Figma
• Figjam
• Zoom
• Whimsical


April - May 2023 (4 weeks)

Project type

DesignLab case study

Rise in mental health struggles

Mental health issues have become an increasingly prevalent concern worldwide. Suicide is the leading cause of death for those aged 10-29 in Singapore (SOS) and is the fourth leading cause of death for youths aged 15 to 19 globally (WHO).

The lack of consistent self-care habits negatively impacts individuals' overall well-being.

Inadequate monitoring and progress tracking impede individuals' motivation to sustain their self-care journey.

Individuals striving to improve their self-care often face challenges in identifying actions and routines that align with their unique needs and goals.

Diving deeper on why this is happening?

I interviewed 7 participants to gain a deeper understanding of their needs and identify features that would be valuable in their self-care journey. Through these interviews, I explored their desired preferences and sought insights into how we can enhance their experience.

" It's hard to prioritise self-care because I'm always caught up in work and taking care of other things. I often neglect my own needs in the process and it makes me frustrated."

“ I'm not sure if my self-care efforts are actually making a difference. It would be helpful to have a way to track and measure the impact of my actions on my overall well-being.”

“ It's challenging to find self-care activities that suit my lifestyle and preferences. Sometimes, I feel overwhelmed by the options and struggle to find something that works for me."

The ultimate self-care companion that recommends, analyses, and tracks our healthy habits.

Habico insights

Leverages AI-powered data analytics to generate personalised insights and recommendations based on user’s progress.


Visual representations for monitoring progress and fully customisable reminders to help users maintain consistency with their habits.

Recommended self-care activities

Discover a diverse range of suggested self-care activities thoughtfully curated based on the user's progress and daily check-ins.

End product

The impact

Excellent System Usability Scale (SUS) Grading

The usability Habico was assessed using the SUS survey. Based on feedback from 7 users, the overall SUS score of 81.5 translates to a A rating, signifying an excellent level of usability.

Excellent Customer Satisfaction Score (CSAT)

The overall CSAT of 86% reflects a high level of customer satisfaction with Habico, highlighting the positive experience provided to users.

Successful prototype

The concept of AI-powered Habico Insights garnered praise from all users, with 100% of them finding them highly valuable.

Habico Insights

Learning how others do it.

I did a competitive analysis to identify our competitors and to determine their strengths and weaknesses relative to Habico.

Competitive analysis

Key takeaways:

Personalised insights and recommendations based on their check-in and progress.

Customisable goals and settings to accommodate various needs and preference.

Including both high level overview and detailed view of their goals and history.

How might we?

Who am I designing it for?

Based on the user interviews, I created two user personas to represent two types of target users that would be affected by the problem. An example is shown here, Sarah Adams, a busy professional who often feels overwhelmed with work.

User persona

Journey map

A journey map is created to understand user experience, to identify opportunities, and to create strategies that enhance user loyalty.

Journey map for habico

Feature prioritisation

After having a more in-depth understanding of the user, I brainstormed potential features that should be included in the design. I prioritised the P1: Must-Have features that will have the largest user impact with lowest effort required and set aside the P2 and P3 for next time.

Feature prioritisation matrix

User flow

After finalising the features, I mapped out a user journey to provide a visual representation of how users would navigate through the product. The task flows encompass creating an account, completing the check-in, adding a goal, completing a goal, and viewing their history.

User flows

Early concepts

With these, I began working on my sketches and ideation. I noted down the key points and gathered initial feedback on the layout and direction.



Habico’s logo embodies the essence of growth, transformation, and nurturing. It symbolises the beginning of a new journey towards self-care, representing the breaking of old habits and the emergence of new possibilities.

Style tile

Does it work?

To gather valuable insights and feedback on the design, I conducted prototype testing with 7 potential users. The testing involved five task flows, including sign up and onboarding, daily habit tracking, goal creation, goal completion, and overview and detailed goal history viewing. Although there were a few areas for improvement, the overall feedback from the prototype test was positive with 100% completion rate for all 5 task.

“ I love the analytics, especially the chart, and Habico insights. It allows me to understand myself better and lets me know which activities are most impactful. “

“ Overall, it is a very positive experience! Usually habit trackers are confusing, but this is very low maintenance and pleasing to use. Best parts are the insights!“

“ It is very intuitive to use, and I like that I knew what the app can do before signing up. The colours are soothing, and gives me an upbeat and positive vibe.“


In response to user feedback and findings from usability testing, I have made ongoing improvements to enhance the usability of the following:

57% of users expressed a preference for more context on the emoji scale. They also indicated a desire to have the recommended activities displayed at the end of the daily check-in process.


57% of users would like the option of selecting a start date for their goals and suggested that the term should be progressively disclosed only when repeat is toggled on. Additionally, 42% of users would like to have a calendar feature that provides a visual representation of their scheduled goals.


71% of users experienced confusion with the 'Complete' button and preferred a distinct visual differentiation. Furthermore, 28% of users suggested that the titles should be more reflective of the associated task and categories.


85% of users prefers better organisation by separating ongoing and previous goals. Additionally, 71% of users expressed the need for a legend to enhance comprehension, along with additional insights based on their goals.


Final concepts

High fidelity wireframes

In summary ...


How can Habico make your self-care more consistent? With fully customisable reminders and clear progress indicators, Habico empowers users to stay accountable and maintain motivation in their self-care journey.


How can Habico provide insights onto user’s self-care journey? By leveraging data analytics to generate visual reports and comprehensive insights, Habico enables users to establish an effective monitoring system.


How can Habico make self-care personalised for everyone? Through a diverse range of self-care activities curated based on user’s progress and daily check-ins, Habico helps users optimise their self-care practices.

If I had more time...


Warming up ...